Thursday, November 29, 2007

Perspectives on Web 2.0

I want my blanket! There is something to be said for Giles, Watcher and School librarian whose comment ont he introduction of a computer in his library - i don't like them they don't smell. Where is the ambience of library on the web - i mean the physical. the comfy chair, the smell of books, the curling up with a good story, being able to actually touch and trace the maps of old with your finger tips. Instead we are now expected to connect to people via wires, sit on a compture chair and tap away at a computer to discover. What happened to the adventure of discovery, oh it is great to have the information at your fingertips but where is the excitement of the chase, the indianna jones exploration of the world. Where is the connection, not electronic. Having read the three articles on the Web 2.0 i would question especially in our area just how many of our community are using these facillities, we are trying to help a community that has poor english skills, connect to their new australian communities, people whose language and writting skills may be non existence even in their own language. So how does the virtual world or web 2.0, 3.0 or even 4.0 help them.
On a library front, will we ever shake the traditional view of libraries, they seem to be more program based now, not a collection of Just In Case martials. The ice bergs are out there but maybe we are looking at the wrong ice bergs. - Again i reiterate I want my Blanket!

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